H4M & HEARD publish new research on men and HIV
An article which appeared in the South African Journal of Psychology reports on how narratives in the Daily Sun tabloid which provide models of manhood could hobble HIV prevention.
The academic article is co-authored by Geoff Jobson of Anova’s Health4Men project.
Jobson and his co-author Andrew Gibbs uncover three models of masculinity which circulate in the newspaper.
Narratives of masculinity and work, masculinity, violence and crime and masculinity and HIV undermined HIV prevention efforts through providing constructions of maleness which could not be achieved in reality, were disempowering or showcased limited models in manhood related to HIV.
The authors also suggest how these ultimately negative constructions of masculinity might be undermined through programmes which promote alternative models of masculinity, such as men as carers.
The paper also recommends that media should strive to provide accurate information on HIV prevention, treatment, care and that media practitioners should be trained to write about HIV.
Click here to read the journal article.