Top2Btm: Changing Manscapes
Top2Btm: Changing Manscapes
August 20, 2012 to August 21, 2012 — All Day Event
Location: The Vineyard Hotel & Spa, Newlands, Cape Town
The AIDS Priorities symposium focusing on MSM will be held in Cape Town on 20 & 21 August 2012 at the Vineyard Hotel and Conference Centre.
AIDS Priorities will focus on the following topics pertaining to men (program to follow):
• Setting the MSM scene
• Advances in Treatment as Prevention and PrEP
• HIV and joie de vivre!
• Sex, risk and consequences
• MSM and public health
• Innovations in community based prevention
• Zen and the ART of manscaping (staying negative)
• AIDS Priorities is CPD accredited
Registration cost: R 1250,00 for full conference registration
R 650,00 daily registration
Registration closes: 13 August 2012
A limited number of bursaries will be awarded.
This Aids Priorities Conference will be hosted by the Anova Health Institute, which will bring together renowned speakers in this field.
For further details, please visit our websitewww.anovahealth.co.za or contact Heather Humphreys on priorities2012@anovahealth.co.za, tel no: 011 715 5805.