Why Are We Not Talking About PrEP?
MICHAEL LUCAS is the creator of Lucas Entertainment, one of the largest studios producing all-male erotica. He lives in New York City. This article is the opinion of the writer.
It's a combination of two of the three antiretroviral medications that form the cocktail used to treat people with HIV. Last year, the FDA approved the prescription of Truvada for the preventing of HIV in people who are uninfected. The term for this is pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
I'm HIV negative.
My choice to begin taking a highly-potent HIV drug wasn't an easy one. And the decision to come out publicly as someone who's on PrEP is not one that I take lightly.
But the more I learn about PrEP, the more shocked I'm becoming that gay men are not shouting from the rooftops about this potential game changer in the fight to prevent new HIV infections, which we're losing badly.
I'm ready to shout about it.
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