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Yellow Dot Doctors

Yellow Dot Doctors

Hey you. You’re probably wondering what this big Yellow Dot is trying to tell you.

This big Yellow Dot is very different to everything else. This Yellow Dot, and all the others like it, are a symbol. A symbol that you’re in a safe, non-judgemental space. Here you can talk to your Yellow Dot Doctor about anything. Yes, even THAT thing.

Seriously, try them, they’re un-freakout-able.

Yellow Dot Doctors have seen and heard it all and they always have your best interests at heart. So when you see the Yellow Dot, feel free to open up. Because the more open you are, the better they can treat you.

To find your closest Yellow Dot Doctor go to

Most Yellow Dot Doctors are in Gauteng at the moment but will be rolling out in various provinces throughout South Africa.

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