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PEP VS PrEP: What’s the difference?

WHAT IS PEP? Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (usually called PEP) is a course of ARVs (antiretroviral tablets…


Somehow, I always find myself in conversations about sex between men (men who have sex…

Why I’m on PrEP

How many stories have you heard of people who are confronted with the reality of…

Men, You Should See Your Doctor Or Visit Your Clinic When…

Here's a list of things that you definitely should consult a doctor or clinician about sooner…

12 MYTHS AND FACTS ABOUT PrEP: Information for gay and bisexual men

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. It is a daily drug that can be taken by…

Oral Sex

Many men associate oral sex with safe sex. Oral sex includes stimulating a penis (blow…

6 facts on mental health

10th October is World Mental Health Awareness Day! Mental health is your psychological, emotional and…

About my butt – Talking anal health and pleasure

I want to talk about my genitals. Specifically, I want to talk about my butt.…

PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis)

Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (usually called PEP)
 is a course of ARVs (antiretroviral tablets used to treat…


Lubricant (also called lube) is a smooth and slippery jelly or liquid that is used to…

Viral Load and CD4

Your immune system protects your body against illness and infections. The most important cells in…

Foreskin too tight to mention

If your foreskin is too tight and restrictive, it’s a good idea to go to…

The Rights Of People With HIV and AIDS

The South African Constitution has a Bill of Rights that protects all people. The rights…

Protecting Your Health

Combination prevention is a strategy of combining two or more proven HIV prevention methods that…

Tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a germ. Common signs of TB in your lungs include…

Traditional Healers & HIV

In most rural areas in South Africa, traditional healers are the preferred and most accessible…

The 3 Stages of HIV Progression

Acute Infection Stage This is the period shortly after someone has been infected with HIV.…

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)

What is PrEP? Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention strategy where HIV negative people…

Anal Sex

Anal sex is common among both men and women. For many people the anus and…


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is easily spread through oral or anal…

Understanding HIV

When someone becomes HIV positive, he has been infected by a particular virus. It does…

Testicular Cancer

Testicular cancer refers to cancer (a growth, lump) in or on your testicles (balls). It…

Your Prostate

The prostate is a gland the size of a walnut that sits below your bladder…

Warts / HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) that affects the skin and mucous membranes.…


Herpes is a virus that causes painful blisters. There are two kinds of herpes: blisters…


Hepatitis is a general term meaning inflammation of the liver which can be caused by…

Gonorrhoea & Chlamydia

Gonorrhoea and chlamydia are sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are easily spread through anal sex…


Whether Or Not To Disclose This is a difficult decision to make because disclosure (telling…

Anal Health

Many men are reluctant to discuss or even consider their anal health. Your anus is…

Alcohol As A Drug

Alcohol is a mood-changing drug and both a depressant in larger doses, and a stimulant…

Being Gay and Ageing

Everyone knows life doesn't stop at 45, yet many people think sex does. As we…

Antiretroviral Treatment

Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs are pills used to control HIV. Adherence to your HIV treatment means…


Irrespective of whether you have sex with only women, both men and women, or only men, using condoms correctly and consistently remains the best way to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections STI’s, includinh HIV.

Why Are We Not Talking About PrEP?

Michael Lucas comes out as HIV-negative, sexually active man on PReP

To tell or not to tell? - Disclosure and you

Whether or not to disclose your HIV-positive status is a difficult decision to make because disclosure (or non-disclosure) is often followed by major and life-changing consequences.
Have a look at the guidelines in this article that may help if you are considering disclosing.

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