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We need you!


We need you!

Please help Health4Men with this anonymous online survey!

Why are we doing this survey?

We want to learn more about the lives of MSM (men who have sex with men which includes gay bisexual and men who don’t identify in South Africa. By doing this we hope to understand the types of issues that we should be addressing in our service. 

Who should complete the survey?

This survey is meant for men who have sex with men who are older than 18 years.  

What will happen if you agree to complete the survey? 

The survey asks personal questions about HIV, your sex life, and your beliefs and behaviours.

There is no major risk to you from completing this questionnaire, but some questions might make you feel uncomfortable or distressed. Remember that you don't have to answer any questions you don't want to answer.

This survey is voluntary and you don't have to complete it. You can also choose not to answer any questions that you don't want to answer.

This survey is completely anonymous and no-one will be able to trace your answers back to you. 

Why should you complete the survey?

There is no benefit to you from participating in this survey.

However, if you do participate, you will be helping us to understand the issues that affect MSM in South Africa. This will help us to ensure that our programmes are relevant to the needs of MSM.

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