Health services for gay men being expanded
Health4Men currently provides free services in Cape Town, Yeoville (in central Johannesburg), Bellville, Khayelitsha and at Zola and Chiawelo, both in Soweto. These sites attract men from a wide geographical area, for example men from Pretoria and other cities who travel to Johannesburg to visit the Yeoville site.
The rollout of these services will be done in close collaboration with the Department of Health, with support provided to the department at national, provincial and district levels. A significant aspect of the rollout of services will be competency-based training and mentoring of health workers in order to address prejudice and to ensure that gay men, plus other men who have sex with men, receive competent STI and HIV-related services
The Health4Men team is excited about this very significant development which will allow us to provide greater access to care for vulnerable men and we look forward to engaging and sharing our expertise with various organisations and community groups as we move ahead.