MSM Competency Training Day 2: MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF MSM HEALTH (Participant Workbook)
This participant workbook has been developed as part of the Anova Health Institute’s model of institutionalising MSM competence within the public health sector, in partnership with the Department of Health. The model is based on experience gained through the Health4Men project, primarily the two centres of excellence in MSM sexual health, and includes the following elements:
1. Sensitisation and attitudinal shift through psychosexual content
2. Instilling knowledge through focused medical training
3. Translating knowledge into skill through mentoring of clinicians
4. Providing ongoing technical support
This workbook is intended for distribution and use by any organisation promoting MSM competence within the public sector. It may be copied and disseminated freely provided that the Anova Health Institute is properly and fully acknowledged as the author and publisher. Although every attempt was made to ensure that the information and guidelines contained in the workbook are accurate and correct, the authors and publisher cannot take responsibility for any complications arising from the use of this manual for any purpose.