A sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacteria (germ) Neisseria gonorrhoea.
Facts about "the clap"
What is gonorrhoea?
- A sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacteria (germ) Neisseria gonorrhoea
- Commonly known as “the clap” or “the drop”
- Mainly affects the urethra (urine tube), anus or throat in men
- It is a completely preventable and curable infection
- Having untreated gonorrhoea increases your risks of HIV transmission
How would I become infected?
- Gonorrhoea is transmitted by unprotected sex
- The germ is found in semen, the throat and sometimes the anus of infected men
- It is also found in the throat and vagina of women
- Men may contract throat infections from giving oral sex to guys with gonorrhoea germs in their urethra (urine tube) – you can get gonorrhoea this way even if your sex partner does not ejaculate in your mouth
- You can also get throat gonorrhoea from rimming (oral to anal contact) a man who has anal gonorrhoea
- Anal infections occur from having receptive anal sex with an infected partner without using a condom
- Urethral (urine tube) infections occur from unprotected penetrative anal sex with an infected guy or from getting a oral sex from an infected guy who has gonorrohoea in his throat
- Bisexual guys can get gonorrohoea from vaginal secretions if they have unprotected sex with women
- You cannot get gonorrhoea from casual contact such as hugging, kissing or sharing food and drink
- You cannot get gonorrhoea from toilet seats and doorknobs
How do I know if I have gonorrhoea?
- Some guys have no symptoms and the problem can only be picked up by taking a swab from the throat, penis or anus. If you suspect you have been exposed to gonorrohoea, ask your doctor to screen you
Common symptoms include:
- Throat infectons: Sore throat and cough. This can be confused with other viral infections such as a common cold
- Urethral (urine tube) infections: white, yellow-greenish pus from the opening of the urethra and / or a burning sensation when you urinate or ejaculate
- Anal infections: yellow mucus discharge or bloody discharge from the anus, pain and / or bleeding when passing stool or having receptive anal sex
- Untreated gonorrhoea infections can eventually spread to the scrotum and prostate gland leading to testicular pain and swelling as well as a low sperm count. It can also spread into the bloodstream and joints, causing fever and arthritis
How do I prevent it?
- A monogamous relationship or reducing the number of people you have sex with, helps avoid this infection
- Condoms will usually prevent gonorrhoeal infections
- Regular screening for this disease will prevent asymptomatic infections and transmission to your sex partners
How do I get treatment?
- Gonorrhoea is completely curable with a course of antibiotics
- If you have any of the symptoms above, get checked out by your doctor. He will prescribe the correct antibiotics if you have the disease
- If you have untreated gonorrhoea, you can spread it to other sexual partners even if your symptoms are mild
- If you have had sex while infected with gonorrhoea, you should contact any known sex partners as they may have contracted the infection from you and could need treatment. It is also important that your regular partner gets treatment when you do to prevent the infection being transmitted back and forth between the two of you