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When a finger is recommended

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, with men over 45 being at highest risk. As in most cancers, early detection can clearly enhance health outcomes. All men over 45, especially if there’s a history of cancer in their family, should be screened for prostate cancer every year. The screening involves a blood test, called a PSA, and an anal exam (a doctor or nurse inserting a gloved, lubed finger into your rectum) to feel the shape, size, texture and consistency of your prostate gland.

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How to use the female condom for anal sex

A lot of men don’t know this fact, but the female condom can be used for anal sex.  Maybe a little trickier to use than the conventional condom and it does take getting used to, but a lot of men do like to use it.
One of the benefits of female-condom use—besides its protection against STDs, including HIV, during anal and vaginal sex—is that it empowers receptive sexual partners to protect themselves whether or not their partner wants to use a traditional condom.

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Lubricants a potential risk factor

While consistent use of condoms remain your best defence against HIV and other sexually transmitted infection (STIs), evidence has emerged that some water-based lubricants may be harmful to your rectum. This applies equally to top-of-the-range, expensive imported brands and locally manufactured lubricants.

These findings emerged when researchers trying to develop rectal microbicides started poking around and asking questions about the effects of sexual lubricants on the mucosal lining of the rectum.

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