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PEP VS PrEP: What’s the difference?

WHAT IS PEP? Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (usually called PEP) is a course of ARVs (antiretroviral tablets used to treat HIV) given to someone who is HIV-negative, after he has had a high-risk event of getting HIV. This could be a condom…

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Somehow, I always find myself in conversations about sex between men (men who have sex with men), the topic always turns to “promiscuity” and the next line that follows is usually “We are men, so this is how we behave.”…

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Why I’m on PrEP

How many stories have you heard of people who are confronted with the reality of HIV when their ‘committed’ partners confess that they’ve cheated? How many times do you find that friends share stories of guys who ‘don’t feel comfortable…

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