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New aggressive strain of HIV can progress to AIDS in just three years, scientists warn

An aggressive new strain of HIV has been identified, scientists have warned.
A new study found the strain, called CRF19, is capable of transforming from an infection to full-blown aids within just three years.
That is considerably faster than the average conversion time of around 10 years - and can be so quick that a person may not even realise they are infected.

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New HIV Treatment, Antiretroviral Cabotegravir, Lasts For Three Months

Today, HIV infections are completely treatable thanks to antiretroviral medication. Only problem is these drugs must be taken on a regular basis for them to remain effective, and for many HIV-positive individuals throughout the world, this simply isn’t possible. A new antiretroviral drug called cabotegravir, however, may solve this widespread problem, since it only requires injection once every three months.

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Scientists train immune system to spot and destroy cure-defying mutant HIV

Luring dormant HIV out of hiding and destroying its last cure-defying holdouts has become the holy grail of HIV eradication, but several recent attempts to do so have failed. Now the findings of a Johns Hopkins-led study reveal why that is and offer a strategy that could form a blueprint for a therapeutic vaccine to eradicate lingering virus from the body.

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The surprising link between HIV and hearing loss

Adults who are HIV-positive are more likely to experience hearing loss than adults who do not have HIV, according to research published online December 26 in JAMA-Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. Researchers report that adults with HIV were more likely to experience difficulty hearing both high and low tones, regardless of the severity of HIV disease progression or the use of and adherence to HIV medications. Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the new findings expand upon earlier research that has suggested an increased risk of hearing loss in adults with HIV.

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Lance Feeney discusses how gay men can decrease the chance of developing anal cancer.

It is a little over a year since the Positive Life NSW President Malcolm Leech died of anal cancer and I’ve been thinking of him and his commitment to the myriad of health and social issues faced by peoples’ living with HIV. I’ve come to realise that we need to avert other deaths from anal cancer in gay men and people with HIV.

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